Douglas Chapman

Doug was born and raised in Durand, Michigan, and is currently serving his 26th year with the Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Office. His career began as a road patrol deputy and he was promoted to sergeant in 2001. Doug is responsible for all employee training and fleet requirements, as well as in command of court security services and the Shiawassee County Mounted Posse. He is a board member of the 35th Circuit Court Drug Court and Mental Health Court and serves as a member of the Michigan Sheriffs’ Association Victims Support Unit. As a result of personal loss and heartache, Sgt. Chapman founded the Drug Education for Youth (D.E.F.Y.).  In addition to his work with D.E.F.Y., Doug is an advocate for Meghan’s A.R.M.Y. (Addiction Recovery Movement for Youth), which was founded by Molly Reid after the loss of her daughter Meghan in 2016.