Vice President
Nicole Klomp

Nicole Klomp is a Limited License Master Social Worker employed through Arbor Circle and contracted with by the City of Newaygo Police Department. She has been in the social work field for approximately 10 years and has experience in both clinical and macro work. Nicole has worked in the fields of child welfare, substance use disorder, mental health, trauma informed care, crisis response, administration, and, most recently, police social work. She created a police social work position that was implemented with the support and help of Newaygo Police Chief Georgia Andres and Arbor Circle, and is being replicated at other police stations across the state. As a person who lives and works in Newaygo County, Nicole has the ability to have a firsthand assessment for the needs within the community. She has a strong passion for helping others achieve their personal best, while creating a safe and healthy environment for them to do so in. She also brings forth a trauma informed approach to all situations. Nicole sits on the Newaygo County Human Trafficking Task Force and chairs the resources subcommittee. In addition, she is affiliated with NC3 and Headway Coalition, is a guest speaker at Ferris State University, and participates in other volunteer opportunities throughout the county as appropriate.