Heidi Kinnear

In October of 2020, Heidi's daughter was arrested--but the issues started long before that. Also in 2020, Jenna helped an acquaintance get into treatment for alcoholism. She found it difficult to get her help in Michigan, but was also unaware of FAN and all the great programs that they offered. Through FAN Forums, speaking with others who have similar circumstances, attending Nar-Anon and CODA meetings online, plus reading and listening to books and podcasts, Heidi has learned a lot and has a great desire to help. She had wanted to volunteer for some time, but had not felt the strong connection like she does to this cause. Heidi wants to be part of spreading awareness, providing support for our community, and working to alleviate the heartbreaking epidemic that's destroying the lives of our young--and old--people and their families.