'Hope Not Handcuffs' information for police department and Community Partners


“How long does it take to launch HNH at my department?”
  • 3-6 months     
“How much will it cost my department?”
  • There is no cost for a department to have HNH
“What training do my officers have to attend?”
  • HNH Course: one-hour MCOLES registered class (in-person or virtual).
  • HNH/QRT/Deflection & Diversion: two-hour MCOLES registered class (in-person only).
“What are the procedures when someone seeking help approaches an officer of a police department?”
  • Contact our call center at (833) 202-HOPE (4673), from 8:00AM to 10:00 PM, 365 days/year, and we provide them with treatment options, which may include transportation to a treatment center.
 “Will participating in this program require changes to current policing practices or policies?”
  • Participating in the HNH program does not require changes to the current policing practices or policies. We’re asking officers to use discretion when encountering a person who wants treatment for an alcohol or substance use disorder who was involved in or has a warrant for low-level property crimes or traffic/public offenses
Do most individuals end up walking into my police department, or do more people call from officer referrals who passed out HNH business cards?
  • Currently, we receive most of our referrals from officers who have encountered people on the street who are struggling and ask for help. However, some people who want help enter their local police department seeking help. 


HNH Application for Departments